Will it make any difference in data transfer speed if I use Class 2, 4, 6 or 10 micro SD card on MP860/MP870? 工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation "No matter which class of micro SD card you use on MP860/MP870, the read/write speed would be the same.Note: the speed here refers to the direct read/write speed of the MP860/MP870 to the micro SD card, not the computer's." ?Es util esta respuesta? Relacionado con What should I do if my MP3 media player is not responding even if I press any button or have it charged? How can I improve the bad recording quality of my media player? What file formats do my media player support? How do I convert files? Representante de Asistencia Técnica si esta respuesta no le ayuda, por favor contacte al departamento de apoyo tecnico Comenzar