Will it make any difference in data transfer speed if I use Class 2, 4, 6 or 10 micro SD card on MP860/MP870? 工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation "No matter which class of micro SD card you use on MP860/MP870, the read/write speed would be the same.Note: the speed here refers to the direct read/write speed of the MP860/MP870 to the micro SD card, not the computer's." ?Es util esta respuesta? Relacionado con What should I do if my MP3 media player is not responding even if I press any button or have it charged? Why isn't the countdown for the remaining recording time of my Digital Music Player running? In what order are songs played in the digital music player? Representante de Asistencia Técnica si esta respuesta no le ayuda, por favor contacte al departamento de apoyo tecnico Comenzar