How long does it take to charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body battery? 工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation It takes about 4 - 4.5 hours to fully charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body 30/60/70 battery.It takes about 2 hours to fully charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body 10C battery.For best results, charge between 0°C and 35°C (32°F and 95°F). ?Es util esta respuesta? Relacionado con How does the “Bluetooth wakeup” function work? How should I keep the lens of Transcend DrivePro/DrivePro Body products clean? After turning on my DrivePro Body 30 camera, the recording indicator on the front of the device gives a "solid blue light" the status indicator on top keeps "flashing green," and it beeps twice at intervals. What should I do? Representante de Asistencia Técnica si esta respuesta no le ayuda, por favor contacte al departamento de apoyo tecnico Comenzar