Why can't the mobile phone connect to the DrivePro Body (DPB) with a Type-C interface using the USB-C to C cable?

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation
If your mobile phone is having trouble detecting or reading a DPB that supports the Type-C interface when connected with a USB-C to C cable, please consider the following potential reasons:

1. Insufficient battery power:
If your DPB lacks sufficient battery power, it cannot establish a successful connection with the USB-C to C cable. Please ensure it is fully charged before attempting to reconnect.

2. Incorrect cable usage:
Some USB-C cables are designed only for charging and do not support data transmission. Using such cables prevents the establishment of a connection between the mobile phone and DPB. To address this issue, use a USB-C to C cable that supports charging and data transfer functions.
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