Numero de parte de Transcend TS16GJF850S TS16GJF850S TS32GJF850S TS64GJF850S TS128GJF850S Buscar referencia del producto (P/N) y número de serie (S/N). Descarga Software ¿Cómo comprobar el número de serie (S/N o W/O)? Descripción OS Tamaño Version Archivo 2021/12/29RecoveRx Windows / Mac OS 3MB v4.2 / v2.6 Descarga 2020/08/02JetFlash Online Recovery Windows v2.2 Descarga 2024/12/23Transcend Elite Windows / Mac OS 61MB v4.27 / v2.9 Descarga Preguntas Frecuentes All Specification / Capacity / Performance Setup / Operation Software / Firmware / Applications Why it is not recommended to remove the product casing or disassemble the product? Why do files occupy more disk space when saved to flash drives/external hard drives/solid state drives? What are the differences between USB1.0/2.0/3.0/3.1/3.2? Can my Transcend Type C products be used on iPad/iPhone? Why my USB flash drive cannot be recognized after sitting idle for some time on a computer running Windows 7 or later versions? Why is the actual storage capacity of my JetFlash USB Flash drive slightly less than the volume specified on the product's package? Why does Transcend include the Proposition 65 warning? Why isn’t the Transcend Elite app granting permission to my OTG JetFlash USB Flash drive? Transfer speeds fluctuated or dropped when I copied/moved files to an external storage device on a Windows 10 system. Why aren’t my Transcend Elite syncing files to the destination folder after I have added new files to the source folder? « 1 2 3 » Representante de Asistencia Técnica si esta respuesta no le ayuda, por favor contacte al departamento de apoyo tecnico Comenzar Compatibilidad Video tutorials Lamentable, ningunos datos correspondieron a su búsqueda Comenzar