Why would the time and date be reset to default settings if my DrivePro dashcam is not in use for a long period of time? 工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation If your DrivePro is not connected to a power source for a long period of time, the internal backup battery will eventually drain.Therefore, the time and date will be automatically restored to the initial state when you next start your DrivePro. ?Es util esta respuesta? Relacionado con Why isn’t my driving track displayed on the DrivePro Toolbox? What should I beware of when using the DrivePro/DrivePro Body App on iOS 14 devices? Why can’t I upgrade the DrivePro firmware with a 64GB/128GB memory card? Representante de Asistencia Técnica si esta respuesta no le ayuda, por favor contacte al departamento de apoyo tecnico Comenzar