Why is the actual storage capacity of the product slightly less than the volume specified on the product's package?

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Specification / Capacity / Performance

All storage products will display a less memory capacity on a computer than stated. The discrepancy results from the different ways flash memory and hard drive manufacturers calculate megabyte. Hard drive manufacturers calculate a megabyte (or 1,000x1,000 bytes) as 1,000KBs, whereas the binary calculation is 1,024KBs. So, for a 4GB storage device, Windows will calculate it as having a capacity of 3.72GB (4,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=3.72GB). So, for a 1TB storage device, Windows will calculate it as having a capacity of 931.32GB. (1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB).

Furthermore, Transcend reserves partial memory capacity for products including firmware, software applications, and data storage maintenance.These functions include the optimization of flash memory, which greatly enhances  product performance and extends service life, thus users wouldn't be able to use this part of the capacity to store files.

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