How are SLC (Single-Level Cell), MLC (Multi-Level Cell) and TLC (Triple-Level Cell) Flash different from one another?

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Specification / Capacity / Performance

SLC Flash stores one bit of information per memory cell, leading to lower power consumption and higher cell endurance. The disadvantages of SLC include higher manufacturing costs and lower densities.
MLC Flash stores two bits of information per memory cell, effectively doubling the amount of data that can be stored in a NAND Flash device
of similar capacity. MLC also offers lower manufacturing costs. However, because MLC Flash stores more bits per cell than SLC, it offers higher power consumption and lower cell endurance.
TLC Flash store three bits of information per memory cell, tripling the amount of data that can be stored in a NAND Flash device of similar capacity. Meanwhile, TLC comes with the least production cost in all three Flash types. However, because TLC Flash stores more bits per cell than SLC and MLC, it has the greatest power consumption and the lowest endurance.

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