Why can't I upgrade or install MacOS Monterey on my JDM?

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Specification / Capacity / Performance
If the following message appears when you upgrade or install MacOS Monterey:
1. Unable to install required firmware update
2. A compatible internal storage device is required to update
3. An error occurred while preparing to install, please try running this application again.

It is recommended that you follow the steps below:
Step 1.  Reinstall Apple SSD to your Mac
Step 2.  Install Monterey on Apple SSD
Step 3.  Replace Apple SSD with the JDM
Step 4.  Install Monterey to the JDM

This phenomenon may occur when upgrading or installing MacOS Monterey on a third-party SSD.
We speculate that it may be related to the operating mechanism of Monterey.
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