DrivePro dashcam troubleshooting

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Setup / Operation
Please try following the troubleshooting methods below:
1. Plug in the power cable, and then LONG press the reset button with a pin or tip of a paper clip to initiate the DrivePro.
2. Update the DrivePro firmware to the latest version on a computer.
Please select your DrivePro model to download the firmware package from the link below. The package includes the latest firmware and firmware update instructions.
3. Follow the instructions to update the DrivePro firmware.
4. Please format your memory card after updating the DrivePro firmware.
5. Check your DrivePro again.

(1) If you have a microSD card reader, you can also connect your DrivePro memory card directly to a computer with the card reader to update the firmware.
(2) Formatting will erase all data stored on the memory card, so please make sure you have a backup first.
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