Thunderbolt device can't be read after using BootCamp to install Windows System.

工作表1 探索 Categoría : Network Connection / Data Transmission

If you use Apple SSD to install Windows System, please check which year your Mac was manufactured.

You can find out by checking via About your Mac/ Overview.

Thunderbolt hot plug is supported under Windows system on all 2014 and later Mac computers.

For all other Mac computers, Windows system scans and activates Thunderbolt devices connected to Thunderbolt ports only during the Windows startup process.

If your device was not plugged in at start up, Windows will not detect it without a restart.

If you use JDM SSD to install Windows System, please check whether your Mac supports hot plug.

We've noted that the enclosure case can not be accessed in some Mac models. It is required a updated driver of Boot Camp Assistant.

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